Monday, October 22, 2007


One idea, one option, one offer, one whisper, one is all it takes.
One cap to spiral down, one line to hit the ground, one taste to set that crown.
One voice offering fun, and when night is done and all forgotten a friend to keep you spun.
One thought of bitter times erased, faded into tight embrace.
One grasp so strong, escape seems so wrong.
One promise of fogetting, lost in a world so fast.
One promise of peace, people lost in the past.
And it would be so easy, to lose myself in the daze
No pain only a numb existance, filled with empty laughs and silenced cries
How simple to just lean back in, swept away with blinded crowds
No one would notice if the monster reached out for just one breath
Or if it drug me down with it, to cold places with only offer of coffee
And all it would take is one.
One bite, one taste, one whiff, to fall back to a world of high sights and dulled voices.

Home Sweet Home?

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